The awarded projects to the 1st SUSTAIN Open Call are already published! You may consult the successful candidates HERE 

We are proud to recognize the following projects for their outstanding quality and innovative contributions. At the same time we would like to express our gratitude to all participants who submitted their proposals.

Boosting the market of building construction



SUSTAIN Eurocluster is a EU consortium formed by 5 partners aimed to boost the market of building construction, by engaging SMEs in both innovation and the digital transformation undergoing in the sector.

"The time has come for the construction industry to get up to date"



SUSTAIN organises a webinar to present the awarded SME experiments of the first open call

SUSTAIN Webinar to present awarded SME projects

Find out the awarded projects to the first SUSTAIN Open Call!

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"Focusing on the green and digital transition for companies related in the market of building sector"



10may13:0014:00Informative webinar about SUSTAIN EuroclusterThis webinar is aimed at exploring a wide range of digital innovations and solutions that enhance the energy efficiency and intelligence of buildings.13:00 - 14:00

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